7th International VaMar Futsal Coach Clinic 2020

Categoría: Clinics y Seminarios de Entrenadores de Fútbol Sala

7th International VaMar Futsal Coach Clinic 2020

7th Edition of the Futsal Coach Clinic. Online version. Edition 2020

After six face-to-face editions, the “7th Futsal Coach Clinic” organized by VaMar Formación was held in an online version motivated by the situation generated by COVID-19.

If you were not able to attend at the time, now you can enjoy one of the most important training events for futsal coaches.
In the 7th Edition, speakers from the entity and the prestige of Jesús Velasco, Marc Carmona, Miguel Rodrigo, Marquinhos Xavier, Joao Freitas, César Arcones, Antonio García, Miki and Bruno García among others, shared their knowledge about futsal with fourteen exclusive presentations prepared for the occasion about diverse aspects of our sport.
List of Presentations:


Eduardo García Belda "Miki", Futsal Professional Coach and Manolo Peris, Futsal Professional Coach and Analyst, spoke to us about:

    "The pre-game strategical training. Theorical and Practical Part" Miki and Manolo Peris

Joao Freitas, Swiss futsal coach told us about:

    "Switzerland national team. Strategic and operational model"

José Molina, Level III Futsal coach told us about the:

    "The effectiveness of the opening phase into the game. Analisys"

Miguel Rodrigo, professional futsal coach told us about:

    "Teaching a Game Model by Concepts"

Jesús Velasco, one of the best coaches in the world told us about:

    "4-0 System: Methodological Progression from the Coordination of 3 and 4 players"

Marquinhos Xavier, Brazil Coach spoke to us

    "Crossing and engagement into the attack-model" Marquinhos Xavier.

César Arcones, a benchmark and pioneer among coaches, told us about:

    "Funny activities for improving the individual foundamentals at first categories"

Antonio García, Futsal Goalkeeper Training Specialist spoke to us:

    "Iterative goalkeeper trainning method"

Marc Carmona, one of the most successful Coaches told us about:

    "The Coach and his relation with the players, the group and the team"

Juan Luis Alonso "Juanlu", Professional Futsal Coach told us about:

    "Attacking tactical foundaments starting from a 3-1"

Bruno García, Japan Futsal Coach, told us about:

    "Rules for building a play-model"

Luis López-Tulla, Level III futsal coach told us about:

    "Using of blocks into the offensive set pieces"

Diego Gacimartin, professional futsal coach told us about:

    "Segosala method" Diego Gacimartin

Adri Martiño, professional futsal coach told us about:

    "The goalkeeper trainning into the team dynamic"

"7th Edition of the VaMar Futsal Coaches Clinic" in online version includes:

- Total access for 45 days.

- All lectures dubbed into English

- PDFs of all conferences (Spanish version)

- 15 hours of interactive lectures

- Exclusive Platform

- VaMar Garantee

- Certificate of the 7th Futsal Coaches Clinic

Now, for signing up to the "7th Edition of the VaMar Futsal Coach Clinic, you can email us to: efsvamar@gmail.com / info@vamarformacion.com and we will tell you how to get it.

VaMar Formación


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